God. Rain. Green. Rustic. Ocean.
Bicycles. Simple. Photography.
Black and White. Bible. Smiles.
Mascara. Giving. Loving. Talking.
These are the things that make up my heart. I have found myself taking away the "more" out of life and looking for the simplicity of it all. Photography is a way for me to do that! Molding, shaping, and finding just the right picture is something that I have come to thrive off of. It is an outlet for looking at the world differently and that is what I Love about it. Through the lens I get to see things that others will walk away from, not noticing the details, not noticing the beauty behind it all. Finding the right shot is a thrill and one that I dare you to try one day. Look beyond the "More", look into the simplicity of this world God created... It might surprise you!
Orange County Wedding Photographer
Los Angeles Photographer
San Diego Wedding Photographer
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© Yvonne Goll Photography